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Road tragedy in Sparwood BC claims a life

Road tragedy in Sparwood BC claims a life

Road tragedy in Sparwood BC claims a life
Municipal auditor plan ruffles feathers

Municipal auditor plan ruffles feathers

The B.C. government's plan to appoint a municipal auditor-general has raised concerns in local government circles, but the minister responsible says it won't mean the province is going to start telling local councils how to tax and spend money.

Former MP brings fossil love to Fernie BC

Retired Kootenay-Columbia MP Jim Abbott was in Fernie yesterday (Wednesday) pitching a new project he’s become involved with after leaving politics earlier this year. He presented to the Fernie Rotary Club about a new palaeontology project in the East Kootenay.

Learning life and employment skills in the Elk Valley

Whether it is a person entering the job market or somebody who has been unemployed for a while, a long gap in the resume can make it hard to find work.
Birthday presents with a difference

Birthday presents with a difference

A little girl’s birthday party was made even more special because she chose to celebrate by helping kids in other countries.
B.C. quit-smoking plan attracts critics

B.C. quit-smoking plan attracts critics

B.C.'s plan to fund nicotine patches and gum for smokers has been lauded by the Canadian Cancer Society and other health organizations, but the program has its detractors.
Sex partners urged to disclose infections via e-cards

Sex partners urged to disclose infections via e-cards

B.C. joins online service to help battle spread of disease

Kootenay Carshare Cooperative gets funding in Elk Valley

he Kootenay Carshare Cooperative has an exciting summer of activity and promotion ahead of it. The Carshare has successfully received funds from the Columbia Basin Trust’s Community Initiatives program from the City of Revelstoke and the City of Fernie.

CBT announces new youth funds for Elk Valley

Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) has a new program to support youth in Basin communities. Community Directed Youth Funds (CDYF) will be piloted in six communities and their surrounding areas this fall. CDYF targets youth ages 12-19 and will provide each area with $100,000 over four years to increase activities, opportunities and services for youth.
Celebrating Fernies Heritage Buildings

Celebrating Fernies Heritage Buildings

The Barton building is located on the west side of the 600 block of Second Avenue near the north end of Fernie’s downtown commercial district.